Manifesto for a Reinassance in Economics

Manifesto for a Renaissance in Economics

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We are living in a difficult season with challenges that put the future of our civilization at risk

Today more than ever we are called to face climatic, economic and social challenges to guarantee people equal dignity and the possibility of having a generative and meaningful life: economic thought and research must overcome barriers and open new paths in academic culture and not, and by engaging in the development of our societies, contribute more to providing indications for solidarity, inclusive and fair growth.

In part it is already happening, but we need a more convinced participation in this process.
We need to fully grasp the potential of individual and collective actions and policy recipes by sharing a few but significant indications, which, like a lighthouse, guide us in the development process against injustice and inequality.

This is why the Manifesto for the New Economy: 5 strategic points to sign, share and use as a reference.

This is why the Lesson “Introduction to Civil Economy and integral sustainability”: a synthesis of the concepts that underlie fair and inclusive development for the education of everyone, young and old.

The Manifesto for the New Economy

Going beyond homo economicus

Going beyond the shareholder-only concept of corporation

Going beyond GDP toward more comprehensive wellbeing indicators

Going beyond the government/individual divide with subsidiarity

Going beyond value neutrality and isolation of “specialisation towers” with interdiscipinarity, supporting socio-environmental generativity of research

The Lesson “Introduction to Civil Economy and integral sustainability”

introduces and explains the principles of Civil Economy and integral sustainability, essential for a supportive and inclusive development of the economy and society

is transversal to every faculty and degree course: every field of study or research, every sector of work or intervention can and must follow the values ​​of the civil economy and sustainability

proposes to every citizen, student or otherwise, to put the person, their well-being and their growth, both as an individual and as a community, back at the center of economic and social action


it gives the opportunity to carry out in-depth studies in different areas of study and action depending on one’s inclinations and interests